Safety Rules

Non-Combatant Players

Any player (PC, NPC, or Staff) wearing pink bands on both arms are to be considered non-combatants. Non-Combatants cannot wield weapons (shields are allowed) or cast combat spells, and must do their best to avoid combat. All other participants must avoid involving a non-combatant player in combat. If you need to attack a non-combatant player, stand at a reasonable distance from your target, point your weapon at them, and say "die". The non-combatant player should respond as if they took a normal weapon blow to the chest.

If a non-combatant player suddenly becomes involved in a combat situation, it is appropriate for that player to call a Hold so that they can move away from the combat. Other players should not call a Hold in this situation without the permission of the non-combatant player.

A player may elect to become a non-combatant at any time before or during an event, and must remain a non-combatant for the remainder of that event. A player who elects to be a non-combatant is not obligated to provide a justification to the EH or designated combat marshal, but nonetheless should be aware that if they provide such information ahead of time, the event staff can help that player preemptively avoid parts of the event which may be dangerous to them.

Tripping Hazard

Objects which can pose a tripping hazard will be clearly marked with pink duct tape. All players are responsible for practicing common sense safety around tripping hazards. The event staff is responsible for minimizing the risk posed by safety hazards by limiting their use and by avoiding putting them in locations that are likely to be subjected to a high volume of foot traffic. The indication of a tripping hazard is for safety purposes only and has no IC effects. Players are discouraged from moving marked tripping hazards unless there is an immediate safety concern.